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Everyone has a strong ability to control quality, showcase excellence and diversity

TIME:2021-11-20      SOURCE:胜狮能源

Creating a Victory Lion Brand and Building Quality Awareness among All Employees

In order to enhance the quality awareness of the company's employees and improve the quality of the company's products, the company has decided to launch a quality month activity in October to win with quality and enhance the company's core competitiveness.

The quality control department and production department have produced a large number of slogans and billboards, which unconsciously integrate quality awareness into the hearts of every operator through visual management. The importance of quality is emphasized through daily pre-shift meetings. The Quality Control Department and Production Department jointly establish a quality inspection and monitoring team to conduct spot checks and ratings on online products at any time, and post the quality results of the spot checks and subsequent improvement measures on site.

Everyone has a strong ability to control quality, showcase excellence and diversity

To comprehensively test the skill level, practical operation ability, and teamwork ability of employees in various positions, motivate them to strive to improve their professional skills, and form a good competitive atmosphere. The quality control department, together with the production department, held a big competition for welding and spraying skills. All employees are actively participating and rushing to register.

The welding competition adopts a single person competition system, and the judges are composed of container owners, ship inspectors, and members of the quality monitoring team. After strict screening and evaluation, Texiang Mao Jianguo won the championship, Yang Jianglin won the runner up, and Ganxiang Huang Hongguang and Kong Laining tied for third place.

The "spray painting" competition aims to test the collaborative ability and team spirit of employees at various workstations, adopting a team competition system. The participating team will participate in the dry box painting class A and painting class B, and the quality control department will randomly designate two boxes as the evaluation boxes each time. The principle of three sets and two wins will be adopted, and the judges will be composed of QC and quality monitoring teams from the quality control department. In the end, Paint Class B narrowly defeated Paint Class A and won the top team.

Through skill competitions, more people can actively participate in quality construction, gain a sense of achievement through quality competition, deepen quality awareness, and enhance team cohesion. We have also discovered a group of welding and spraying experts, who are the guarantee and wealth of the company's quality.

Improve the quality management system

During the Quality Activity Month, a quality discussion and summary meeting was held to discuss the quality issues that occurred on the production line and propose solutions. Currently, the quality issues on the production line have been significantly improved. The production department also conducts pre shift meetings to promote quality issues and improve employees' quality awareness and operational skills.

Through this quality month activity, we have re examined the company's quality control system and promoted strict and routine production quality control management. During the Quality Month, Huawei entered our company for a one week comprehensive supplier review, which was conducted through professional assessments by multiple system experts from Huawei, promoting the sublimation of the company's quality management. HSCL aims to strengthen the company with quality, making it an important goal for the company's development, and is in line with world-class strong enterprises.

Monthly Summary and Commendation Conference for Quality Activities

On November 12th, the Quality Activity Month Summary and Commendation Conference was held in the office building, with the attendance of Zhao Huaiguo, Deputy General Manager of the company, management cadres above the level of production department monitor, quality month winners, and all members of the Quality Control Department.

At the beginning of the meeting, Zheng Dongzhe, the assistant manager of the quality control department, comprehensively summarized the quality activity month. Manager Zheng emphasized that the biggest achievement of this quality month activity was a significant improvement in the quality awareness of all employees. In order to consolidate the achievements of the quality month activity, continue to improve and improve, the subsequent quality inspection team will conduct a monthly inspection of the entire production line, and the quality monitoring team and on-site QC will play a supervisory and tracking role, By combining assessment and rewards, the quality control department will supervise the implementation of feedback on quality issues. Subsequently, the quality control department, together with relevant departments, will hold irregular special quality meetings to implement and solve customer feedback quality problems and recurring quality problems.

Manager Liang Weidong, the head of the production department, also analyzed the quality issues that occurred during the quality activity month. Manager Liang emphasized that through the strong promotion of the quality activity month and the promotion of the quality system, employees' quality concepts have significantly improved. Visual management on site continues to be strengthened, and the provision and improvement of hardware facilities are also important prerequisites for ensuring quality. Subsequent production personnel will track and implement them.

In his summary speech, Zhao Huaiguo, the Deputy General Manager of the company, not only affirmed the collaborative efforts and hard work of all departments in the quality activity month over the past month, but also congratulated the individuals and teams who were commended during the quality activity month, requiring them to lead by example, drive the growth of the department and surrounding colleagues, and then promote the progress of the company's quality. At the same time, there are clear requirements for the future, adding corresponding assurance measures to ensure quality, improving the quality management system, requiring equipment, technology, processes, drawings, and other collaborative efforts to ensure the quality of the company's products.

The situation in the container industry is constantly changing, and in the face of fierce market competition, we must improve workers' quality awareness and implement comprehensive quality management. Identify, evaluate, prevent, and respond to quality risks. The quality activity month is not a month, and the summary and commendation conference is not the end, but the beginning. It is a long-term commitment, and only in this way can our quality take a higher level. Only with excellent product quality can we build a good reputation in the industry and meet the needs of customers.