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Everyone participates in quality, everyone practices quality, everyone supervises quality

TIME:2021-10-29      SOURCE:胜狮能源
Huizhou Singamas quality month

The company's export gate is very busy, and containers produced by HSCL are delivered to customers in an orderly manner. In the company, from the general manager to the welding workers of the production line, from all employees to all departments, they are working hard to deliver products satisfactory to customers. Under the principle that the company's leaders attach importance to quality, we advocate that everyone should participate in quality and contribute to the production of high-quality products.

After years of development, from HPCL to HSCL, we are accumulating, precipitating and growing, and we have been on the way forward. With the historic explosion of industry demand, the company's development has entered the fast lane. At this historical opportunity, the company held Quality Month activities and carried out a series of activities, which gave us the opportunity to look back at our growth. Looking back at the course of more than a year, we can find, think and summarize. With a sound quality management system, we can make our growth path more solid, lay a solid foundation and go further.

The quality month activity lets us all look back and review the quality at the new high point of quality requirements. Every employee, QC and manager involved in production are looking back to improve some details that were ignored in a hurry.

The front-line workers look back and see if you have followed the production operation process and used the tooling fixtures that should be used; The production manager looks back to see if there is any improvement in the quality of the positions you manage, and whether it needs to be adjusted and strengthened in time.

The on-site inspection QC should look back to see whether the inspection process is followed and whether the inspection is carried out according to the specified time at the inspection position you are responsible for. The quality manager should look back to see whether the quality assurance system is perfect and whether the system operates effectively.

Everyone should think and act from a new perspective of quality requirements in his own position. With the strong support of the company and the opportunity of quality month activities, through frequent quality inspection activities, everyone should work together to improve the quality management system and improve product quality.

The quality month activity is also an opportunity to find talents. Through the quality month inspection activity, we can explore the personnel with strong quality awareness, active participation in quality construction and strong business ability, and take them as an example to influence the surrounding employees to participate in the construction of the company's quality system with fuller work enthusiasm.

From the perspective of quality, supervision is the guarantee of quality, and only with supervision can there be improvement. At the initiative of the company's leaders, a quality supervision group consisting of key personnel from the production department and the quality control department was established as a permanent mechanism to supervise product quality, with awards, fines and assessments, to promote everyone's participation in quality, everyone's concern for quality, and everyone's active practice of quality awareness. Ensure product quality through the company's internal supervision and inspection mechanism. At the same time, invite customers to participate in supervision, listen to customers' suggestions with an open mind, and actively implement improvement measures, so as to win customers' recognition and trust, and form a good supply and demand cooperation relationship.

Although the quality month is only a short month, through reasonable arrangement, meticulous work, and scientific methods, we can create a good atmosphere in which everyone participates in quality, everyone practices quality, and everyone supervises quality, and finally form long-term quality control requirements, which are implemented consistently, and help Huizhou Shengshi improve product quality.